Here’s My Take: On Bored People

Nobody at any point in time should be at all bored. No exceptions. The tasks and the thoughts a human has should keep all humans intrigued for their entire lifetime and then some. This includes people with half the brain capacity of a toaster oven.  “I”m bored”  is the most annoying and the most irritating thing  any human could possible say. It is also the most arrogant and immature thing you could say.

According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of boredom is :the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest. You would have to be someone of few interests to even consider to fall into a state of boredom. With the beautiful world that is outside of our windows, there shouldn’t be room for a lack of curiosity or discovery.  The diversity of different cultures and experiences that is all around us in this world, we would find a plethora of actions and events we wouldn’t be able to think of by ourselves. Plus, there is also a whole new world that is just inside of our own heads. The brain is the most important resource for surviving and striving. This is the thing that keeps us from monkeys. (Not to mention; but have you ever seen a bored monkey?) We can literally think about anything we want to think about. We are able to learn anything we want to learn about. If this doesn’t excite you, I don’t know what will. You can creatively think of something that has never been thought of before. Isn’t that amazing? With all that there is, on the inside and outside of us, we should never have just a few interests.

If there is anyone who claims that they have a large amount of interests (and I mean as many as one human could possible have) and you still say that you are bored, I am extremely jealous. I sincerely mean this. This means that you have ran out of things that are worthy of interest. So that must mean that you have gone mountain climbing several times, learned French and Swedish, read every Charles Dickens and Ernest Hemingway novel there is, and traveled to places such as Fuji, Spain, Uganda, and Thailand. That’s not all, you probably also learned how to cook exotic dishes such as  Miso-glazed Black Cod in Coconut Broth or a Spicy Thai Lobster Soup. You must have also kept up on the news around the world with  You must know all the history of the world, and every culture’s understanding of life. How I wish I could be in your position. Someone like you being bored would be thrilling.

In conclusion, only simple, one-track minds get bored. Broaden your horizons by an inch and you will certainly be bored no longer. Only boring people get bored.